Saturday 4 May 2013

Photoshop Practice Work

This is the first image that I edited in order to practice skills in Photoshop. This image is what the image looked like originally before I began to edit the image:

I then began to edit the image by modifying the colour of the flowers. I did this by using a 
Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, which allowed me to change the colour and to what intensity. 
I then added a colour mask to the same layer so that only the yellow flowers were affected by the change in hue, and in turn change colour, while the rest of the picture remained the same colour.

I then also used the render lens flare filter tool to add a light source to the image, and I was able to place this where I wanted it and was able to change the size so to make the image appear to have an effect of the sun shining through the flowers, and gave an effect that allowed for more character to the picture. 
Below is the image once I made these changes:

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