Saturday 4 May 2013

Photoshop Practice Work Continued...

I did further practice to enhance my Photoshop skills by editing two pictures of people changing the way they looked and I did this by using the tools such as the Spot Healing Tool and Healing Brush Tool to retouch the original images.
I added layers so to keep the original image, and to be non - destructive so am able to return to the original image if needed.
By using these tools I was able to remove any imperfections that I didn't want to appear on the picture. The Spot Healing Brush Tool I used to remove spots, and in turn I used it to remove the moles that appeared on the face of the girl and allowed me to make quick alterations.

I used the Healing Brush tool to remove stray hair that appeared around the heads of both of the pictures. 
I also used the clone stamp tool when editing the picture of Ian Mckellen more so, as was able to remove the wrinkles from the face, and clone the skin around the eyes when removing lines here to keep the original colour of the skin, so look natural and to not make it obvious the picture had been edited. 

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