Saturday 4 May 2013

Initial ideas for Project

Before I began to create my DVD cover I had to start to begin thinking about what I wanted my project to be about and in turn what ideas I had to make a cover, label and also a minute long video.

I began thinking about what films were already out and in turn what clips I would be able to use in my own film trailer.
I decided that I wanted to make a cover that was instantly eye catching to the consumer, and what would appeal to my target audience of 15 years and over.
I wanted my label to be fitting and in-keeping with the cover that I would create, and so to match what the film was about as it is important that they match and have the same theme running throughout.

My initial ideas were that of either a comedy or a thriller, but I then decided to change and went for a sci-fi genre, such as War of the Worlds, Star Wars and Avatar.

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