Wednesday 8 May 2013

Altering clip sizes

Some of the clips where not the correct size and so appeared smaller and didn't fit to the screen. There are two ways to do this and one is in effects control where you can scale the clip and in turn make the clip larger or smaller.
The way that I used with the two clips that I needed to adjust was to simply double click on the image and the corners to scale and preposition the clip appeared.
To make sure that I scaled the clip proportionally to not distort the image I held down shift while I dragged the corner handle. I also had to be careful not to enlarge too much to cause the image to become pixelated, fortunately this was not a problem that I came across.

This technique was particularly useful with the house clip as I was able to position this where I wanted it behind the news banner to show as much of parts of the image I wanted, i.e. more sky.

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