Wednesday 8 May 2013

Final DVD Trailer

I am very pleased with the finished version of my DVD trailer. 

Not only does it runs smoothly with the
transitions and 
warp stabilizer to stop the camera shake. Both these small additions made the viewing easier as meant that the trailer did not jump and was easy to watch.

I personally like the planet, as by using this I feel that I drew together all elements of my project, as the image used throughout, and I like the effect of making it grow, and appear to get closer to the earth. The fact that the planet appeared to get closer which enforced the title ‘When Two Worlds Collide’ as it gave the illusion that this is what was going to happen.

I believe that I created a feeling of suspense, which I thought very appropriate and fitted in with my genre, and would leave the viewer wanting more, which is exactly the role of a trailer.

Each clip that I selected helped me to portray my sci fi genre, from the planets, clip of space and the narration, all giving an out of this world sensation, and feel that the clips I picked were the best I could have picked to convey my message.

I feel that I have met the target audience of 15 years and older as it will keep the viewer engaged and questioning what happens in the film, what causes the collision and what happens to the world due to it.

Overall I am very happy with my end product, and the skills and knowledge that I have gained along the way and looking back at my storyboard can see that it is not too dissimilar, all the ideas are the same but in a different order with slight variations. 

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