Wednesday 8 May 2013

Transitions between clips

When clips but together when played, they can just move between and can at times appear jumpy as just jump from one to another, and not play smoothly, this can cause the user to not become uncomfortable as can be difficult to watch. 

Premier Pro has the ability to add transitions to the clips, when looking in the project box and going to the effects. In the effects panel there are many things that can be done here such as Audio effects, video effect and audio and video transitions. 
I felt that the video transitions effects improved the way the trailer ran and looked, and in turn I felt looked more professional, as had a better overall finish. 

The transitions are added in the same way that clips are added on to the timeline, by clicking and dragging the effect across to the point where I want it, between two clips. 

Below shows one transition I used between clips, which was a slide transition, which slides one clip across to reveal another. 
I liked this effect as felt that it kept the action moving between the two scenes, and in turn kept the action going throughout the trailer. 

I also used fast blur in between the clip of my own footage and a Cloverfield clip, and fast blue out when the title text was on the screen with the exploding planet. 

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