Wednesday 8 May 2013

Setting up a Premiere file

When beginning to create my DVD trailer in Adobe Premiere Pro I first had to make a new project, with the correct format for what the assignment required.
The assignment required the Project Video format to be set to DV Pal Widescreen 48khz.

When I first open Adobe Premier I simply clicked new project and then altered the settings that were set as default in the following screen that appeared.

The Video Display Format needed to be set to Time code, this meant that the timeline is set in second and not frames, and in turn will allow me to see when my video trailer was 1 minute long.

Capture Format; DV; this allows me to select either Digital Video or High Definition.

I then saved the project and named it 'Assignment'.  
When saving the project I am also asked about the sequence setting, and it is here that I will be using DV PAL Widescreen 48kHz, as this is the what the assignment specifies that we use I also altered the Timebase to 25fps, with a frame size of 720h and 576w. 

To set up the project further I also set up a number of bin within the document, these bins are folders, and allow me to remain organised throughout the created of my trailer. The sources that I will gather and use will then be imported into the correct folder.

The folder for clips was for the clips that I cut from the original footage. 

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