Tuesday 7 May 2013

Complete DVD Label

This is my complete DVD label for the disc containing my trailer.
I am very happy with the overall finished product. It contains all the key elements that appear on DVDs such as the, information about the DVD, such as the age, and a title. It is also clear and easy to read.
I personally feel it is very appealing, and am very happy with the end product, as felt that when creating this as using a tutorial I used many skills that we hadn't been shown in the practice, so feel I may have many skills that people do not have, and I am also very proud that I created this, as feel that by teaching myself some of these effects I am more likely to take them on board and remember them.
I think that label is eye catching and not too cramped or busy. A continuous theme of sci fi, due to the planets and stars runs throughout, and relates to the DVD cover, as the same planet is on both elements.
I am also satisfied that it reaches the target audience well. It I feel is suitable for 15 years and plus and all the images coincide with the theme.

I am also pleased that I managed to find a text tool that allowed me to make a similar style text on both this and the cover case, so that the theme also coincides.
The colours are strong and the planet and the title stand out well from the background. 

Although this is not my original idea or how I imagined the label to be I am very happy with the finished outcome. 

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